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P&I Correspondents


Our team has a very long and proven experience in handling marine transport related claims and solving whatever kind of incident related to crew members, navigation, disputes, etc in which our intervention is requested.


The type of Legal and Operative Services we offer include:

Gestion de Reclamaciones

Claims Handling

We handle transport related claims as well as any type of H&M and nautical claims. We have a large experience in disputes on C/P. We successfully handle non-litigated recoveries on behalf of several clients like Cargo Underwriters and Shipowners. 

Inspecciones del Estado Rector del Puerto


Port State Controls


We lift detentions and defend our clients following up Sanctioning Proceedings due to Port State Control Inspections (Paris MOU, Abuja MOU and Viña del Mar Agreement) and any alleged breach to SOLAS and IMO Codes.

Personal Injury and other related

crew incidents

We investigate personal injury incidents, take witness statements and assist injured crew members while being hospitalized. We coordinate repatriation and escort services, if necessary. The follow up and regular detailed reporting to our principals in respect of the diagnosis and prognosis of such events are essential to our work modality.


We determine the way they boarded the vessel, identify them and provide them with travelling documents, if possible. After many years working with cases of stowaways, we have enhanced our relationship with the Local Authorities as well as with many Diplomatic Representatives of those countries from which most of the stowaways come from. We also coordinate repatriations and appoint escort services, if required.

Handing of long idle containers and abandonned cargoes

We successfully handle and solve matters of long idle and abandonned cargoes. We find out the best and cheapest possible solution for each matter, always protecting the interest of our principals. If necessary, we negotiate with the Port Terminals and Customs Authorities in order to mitigate the losses and set the containers unit free. We are currently providing services to some of the most important Shipping Lines for whom we handle these matters in certain countries, continents or worldwide. Depending on the volume of service needed, the same can be done in full or partial no cure-no pay basis.


When the matter requires it, we assist our clients in finding out and appointing pollution cleaning companies, marine natural enviroment experts, tug and salvage companies, divers, etc. In some type of cases, we work with contingency plans that have been previously and specially prepared for each type of incident in the main ports of the countries in which we are based.

Lifting of arrests, submission of guarantees and negotiation of Letters of Undertaking

Depending on the case, we can lift arrests either by submitting cash or bank guarantees on behalf of our clients or by issuing or submitting LOUs.

© 2014 by AZURE MARINE ADVISERS S.L.                                                                                                                                                       

Passeig Josep Carner, s/n (Edifici Oficines) 1st floor. Estació Morrot - Port de Barcelon 08038 Barcelona - SPAIN          

VAT No.: B66312604                                                                              

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